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  • EDSO 220 Education in America

    Units: 1

    Exploration of contemporary public education and its impact on American society and citizenship. Includes an examination of the history of education in creating responsible citizens in the United States and the interaction of policy and reform in contemporary education.
  • EDSO 230 Education and Public Policy

    Units: 1

    Survey of contemporary issues and examination of legislation affecting educational policy at both the state and local level. In-depth examination of current and emerging policy issues, strategies for influencing policy, and techniques for adapting new policy into current school culture and processes.
  • EDSO 312 Independent Study in Education and Society

    Units: 0.5

    Special projects and practical experience in educational programs.
  • EDSO 333 Alternate Approaches to K-12 Education

    Units: 1

    Examination of the multiple alternatives to traditional PK-12 public schools currently available across the United States, including the increasing variety of public, private, parochial, charter, and virtual opportunities available to families seeking choices beyond traditional public education.



    EDUC 217 or EDSO 220 with a minimum grade of C

  • EDSO 340 Gender and Education

    Units: 1

    Exploration of the multiple and complex relationships between gender and education, primarily in the context of formalized schooling. Topics include the history of women's education; gender identity and socialization, gender discrimination and biases in curriculum and classroom teaching, gender gaps in academic performance, stratification in schools, and the relationship between educational choices and gender. In all topics, gender will be explored in connection with other socially constructed aspects of identity, such as race, class, ethnicity and sexual orientation.



    EDUC 217 or EDSO 220 with a minimum grade of C

  • EDSO 341 Leadership and Education

    Units: 1

    Examination of the role of leadership in education through a historical, philosophical, theoretical and political/policy lens. Critical review of how leadership is the cornerstone of understanding the importance of education and citizenship in American society. Includes profiles of historical and contemporary leaders in education who have been at the forefront of public school reform efforts. Examines the role that followers or stakeholders have played in historical movements for public school reform.



    EDUC 217 or EDSO 220 with a minimum grade of C

  • EDSO 345 Urban Education

    Units: 1

    Examination of the relationship between urban issues and education policies and practices. Includes a broad interdisciplinary look at the relationship between school and urban society and communities. Sociological and philosophical theories will be used to examine how culture, race, and class influence the structure and function of urban education systems. A critical self-reflection on schooling, socio-cultural identity, and philosophical beliefs about education.



    EDUC 217 or EDSO 220 with a minimum grade of C

  • EDSO 346 Philosophy of Education

    Units: 1

    Examines exemplars of educational philosophy from ancient times to the present day, emphasizing important thinkers and writers that contributed to the philosophy of the American public education system. Includes a consideration of their relevance and application to current controversies in education (e.g., multiculturalism, gender equity, and school choice).



    EDUC 217 or EDSO 220 with a minimum grade of C

  • EDSO 347 Improving America's Schools

    Units: 1

    Examines K-12 American public schools and the variety of programs, policies, and structures in place that influence students, teachers, and parents within the educational system.
  • EDSO 376 Social Justice in Education

    Units: 1

    Examines how social inequality impacts public education, and how schools function to perpetuate and/or remediate social injustice. Further explores how socially constructed differences (race, social class, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, linguistic and cultural backgrounds) may be used to privilege some learners and marginalize others. Considers teachers as agents of change and what individuals and communities can do to ensure that all students have equitable educational opportunities. A community-based learning experience is a required course component.



    EDSO 346 (may be taken concurrently)

  • EDSO 398 Selected Topics

    Units: 0.5

    Topics will vary from semester to semester.
  • EDSO 440 Research in Education and Society

    Units: 1

    Capstone requirement in the Education and Society minor.



    Senior standing and completion of Education and Society minor electives

  • EDUC 217 Foundation of Education

    Units: 1

    Introduction to the American educational system. Explores the philosophical, sociological, historical, and political roots of schools today. Attention also given to the legal status of teachers and students, including federal and state laws and regulations, school as an organization/culture, and contemporary issues in education including the use of relevant data in instructional decision-making.
  • EDUC 218 Diverse Learners and Human Development

    Units: 1

    Introduces students to the developmental stages experienced by students between the ages of birth through adolescence with an examination of speech/language, social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development. Explores diverse cultures, communities, and family values. Provides a historical and contemporary perspective on critical issues, professional practices, and sate and federal laws influencing the teaching of students with diverse learning needs.
  • EDUC 307 Instruction and Assessment in Elementary Science

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of fundamental science concepts and subject-specific pedagogy, focusing on Earth, life, and physical sciences, the nature of science and scientific inquiry, the social and cultural significance of science, the relationship of science to technology, and the historical development of scientific concepts and scientific reasoning. Course content emphasizes and integrates state and national standards, problem-solving approaches, curriculum integration strategies, content area literacy, and current research.



    EDUC 217 or EDUC 218 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 308 Instruction and Assessment in Elementary Social Science

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of fundamental social studies concepts and subject-specific pedagogy, focusing on history, geography, economics, and civics. Course content emphasizes instructional design and integrates state and national standards, project-based learning approaches, curriculum integration strategies, content area literacy, and current research.



    EDUC 307 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 310 Concepts and Methods in Elementary Math

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of fundamental mathematical concepts and subject-specific pedagogy, focusing on whole numbers and their operations, algebraic thinking in the early grades, and measurement. Content emphasizes and integrates state and national standards, problem-solving approaches, use of manipulatives and technology, current research, and learning theory.



    EDUC 307 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 311 Assessment and Differentiation in Elementary Math

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of fundamental mathematical concepts and subject-specific pedagogy, focusing on rational numbers, algebraic thinking, geometry, probability, and statistics. Emphasizes meeting the needs of struggling students and integrates state and national standards, problem-solving approaches, use of manipulatives and technology, current research, and learning theory. A supervised practical experience using a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach will be incorporated into the course. Emphasis on using data to make decisions based upon students’ needs, monitor progress, and develop individualized mathematical interventions.



    EDUC 310 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 312 Independent Study in Education

    Units: 0.25

    Special projects and practical experience in educational programs.
  • EDUC 313 Independent Study in Education

    Units: 0.25

    Special projects and practical experience in educational programs.
  • EDUC 314 Independent Study in Education

    Units: 0.25

    Special projects and practical experience in educational programs.
  • EDUC 324 Reading Foundations for Early Literacy Instruction

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of the teaching methods, literacy concepts and development, and materials which are utilized to support and scaffold children's literacy acquisition from birth to the primary grades. Addresses a foundational understanding of the components of reading including phonemic awareness, concepts of print, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. Examines early literacy assessment tools and how to implement interventions for diverse learners. Investigates language development, children's literature, and classroom strategies for early literacy instruction.



    EDUC 307 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 326 Assessment, Intervention, and Literacy Strategies for Elementary Readers

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of reading comprehension, vocabulary development, critical thinking, word study, and writing instruction within elementary classrooms. Exploration across the components of reading of the methods, materials, and assessment tools associated with elementary literacy instruction. Examines assessment tools and learn techniques for meeting the needs of struggling readers. A supervised practical experience will be incorporated into the course. Emphasis is placed on making decisions based upon students' individual needs and critical reflection to improve instructional effectiveness. Analysis of assessment data and use of this information to inform instructional practices including developing reading and writing interventions. Studies effective literacy techniques designed to support diverse learners.



    EDUC 324 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 338 Technology-Enhanced 21st Century Teaching and Learning

    Units: 1

    Exploration of how technology may be used as an engaging and effective tool in the 21st Century classroom to facilitate changes in the ways teachers communicate, collaborate, and teach and how students learn and demonstrate their understanding. Examines the issues involved in educational technology access and curriculum, including current educational technology standards and practical application of technology skills, while encouraging reflection on the role various forms of electronic and digital technology can play in the teaching/learning process.



    EDUC 342 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 342 Teaching and Learning in 6-12 Classrooms

    Units: 1

    Comprehensive introduction to pedagogy to include principles of learning; application of skills in discipline and grade-specific methodology; selection and use of materials; state and national curriculum standards; and evaluation of student performance. Requires concurrent registration in Education 367, Middle School Practicum.



    EDUC 217 or EDUC 218 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 343 Assessment and Evaluation in Education

    Units: 1

    Introduction to testing, measurement, and evaluation related to instruction, the construction and use of teacher-made tests, a survey of standardized tests, test interpretation, and basic statistical procedures.



    EDUC 342 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 350 Content Area Literacy

    Units: 1

    In-depth examination of reading, writing, and critical thinking in secondary content areas. Specific techniques for teaching and assessing comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, and study skills. The effects of text organization and relationship between reading and writing are investigated. Integrates theory with practice and is designed to help content area instructors learn how to integrate literacy principles into subject matter instruction. A strong emphasis on the elements of effective comprehension instruction. Literacy techniques designed to support the needs of diverse learners.



    EDUC 342 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 353 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language

    Units: 1

    Exploration of current trends in foreign language pedagogy, including national standards, Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, and the Proficiency Guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Major topics of discussion include standards, theories and practice of second language acquisition, domains of language, cultural aspects of language learning, methods and trends in teaching foreign language, language proficiency testing, technology in language learning, student learning styles, programmatic structures for foreign language instruction, and lesson planning strategies in the foreign language classroom.
  • EDUC 356 Elementary Classroom Behavior Management


    An introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of classroom and behavior management with an emphasis on strong instruction, positive learning climate, individual interventions, including techniques to promote educational well-being, maximize learning time, increase motivation, and address inappropriate behavior. Examination of approaches based on theory and practice to meet the needs of diverse learners. Includes weekly practicum experience in an elementary classroom.



    EDUC 310 or EDUC 324 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 357 Secondary Classroom and Behavior Management


    An introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of classroom and behavior management with an emphasis on strong instruction, positive learning climate, individual interventions, including techniques to promote educational well-being, maximize learning time, increase motivation, and address inappropriate behavior. Examination of approaches based on theory and practice to meet the needs of diverse learners. Includes weekly practicum experience in a middle school classroom.



    EDUC 342 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 360 Assessment, Intervention, and Literacy Strategies for Adolescents

    Units: 1

    Investigates reading comprehension, vocabulary development, critical thinking, word study, and writing instruction within the classroom. Study of the methods, materials, and assessment tools associated with elementary and secondary literacy instruction will be explored across the components of reading. Examines assessment tools and learn techniques for meeting the needs of struggling readers. Supervised practical experience will be incorporated into the course.



    EDUC 350

  • EDUC 388 Individual Internship


    Supervised work experience at approved artist's studio, museum, or gallery. No more than 1.5 units of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units.
  • EDUC 398 Special Topics

    Units: 0.5

    Topics will vary from semester to semester.
  • EDUC 406 Undergraduate Summer Research


    Documentation of the work of students who receive summer fellowships to conduct research [or produce a creative arts project] in the summer. The work must take place over a minimum of 6 weeks, the student must engage in the project full-time (at least 40 hours per week) during this period, and the student must be the recipient of a fellowship through the university. Graded S/U.



    Approval by a faculty member

  • EDUC 465 Foundations and Legal Aspects of Special Education
  • EDUC 471 Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education

    Units: 1

    Introduces teacher candidates to the variety of assessment and evaluation techniques and their specific purposes, including eligibility for students with disabilities, instructional decision making, and program improvement. This course explores the relationship among the general curriculum, formal and informal assessment results, and instruction for students with disabilities to support instructional planning, decision-making and self-reflection.



    EDUC 324

  • EDUC 474 Understanding and Implementing the IEP

    Units: 1

    Provides critical information and hands-on practice regarding the development and implementation of the Individual Education Program (IEP), the federally required document that describes all the components of special education services and safeguards for students with disabilities. Examines regulatory background, essential components, procedural requirements, implementation practices, and monitoring strategies that support effective IEP implementation and lead to positive student outcomes. Requires students to analyze and evaluate IEPs, gaining expertise in IEP development and implementation.



    EDUC 465

  • EDUC 475 Teaching Internship

    Units: 3.5

    A fifteen-week field experience which involves the application of theory and skills while working directly with students in the public school classroom on a full-time basis under the direction and support of a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor. The student assumes full teacher responsibility for all instructional periods and school activities. Graded pass/fail with a comprehensive evaluation completed for each student teacher. Requires concurrent registration in Education 485, Student Teaching Seminar.



    EDUC 326 or EDUC 338 with a minimum grade of B

  • EDUC 484 Pre-Internship Workshop

    Units: 0.25

    Prepares students enrolled in the teacher preparation program for the required 15-week teaching internship. Guides students through the creation of the final portfolio. Helps students navigate the process of applying for an internship placement and completing background check applications necessary to practice in a K-12 classroom. Employs expert guest speakers to provide a review of critical aspects of K-12 general education. Allows students to practice and reflect upon their own delivery of instruction in mock-classroom situations.



    EDUC 326 or EDUC 338 with a minimum grade of B-

  • EDUC 485 Capstone Seminar

    Units: 0.5

    Weekly seminar for student teachers. Provides a forum for reflective discussion and examination of critical issues related to students' teaching responsibilities and competence, specifically, employing best practices in the planning, delivery, and assessment of instruction and student learning. In addition, guidance is provided in the preparation of the Teacher Work Sample Portfolio.



    EDUC 475 with a grade of P

  • EDUC 499 Honors Seminar

    Units: 1

    Writing the honors thesis in Education under the direction of a faculty advisor.