Welcome to the Department of Education
The Department of Education draws students from across disciplines to examine the institution of education and its role in society. Our department also trains teachers to have a strong background in educational theory and practice and to acquire expertise in their chosen academic discipline.
Education at the University of Richmond includes two areas of focus. The primary focus, teacher education, is designed for students who wish to become teachers. This area consists of a major in elementary education and minors in elementary, secondary, and comprehensive education. A second focus, the education and society minor, examines the institution of education and its role in society. It is designed for students concerned with the interpretation, evaluation, and reform of the American system of public education.

Teacher Licensure
The University’s Teacher Preparation Program is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and is fully approved by the state. Successful completion of the program leads to a collegiate professional license in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This license is valid for ten years and renewable with additional professional development experiences.
Coursework in the program usually begins in the sophomore year and culminates with the teaching internship and capstone seminar during the fall or spring semester of the senior year.

Education Studio
The Education Studio (formerly CMC) supports students and faculty in the Teacher Preparation Program by providing an assortment of print, instructional, and technology resources for exploration, use, and evaluation.